Healthy Habits for Your Eyes ! Our eyes are our windows to the world. We, therefore, must maintain good eye health, the importance of which should be taught to kids, right from a young age. Here are some top tips to protect and promote healthy eyes in kids.
Balanced diet
Just in the case of anything related to health, in this case, too, it goes without saying that you need to take care of your diet. Have a balanced diet, with all the vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Leafy greens are said to be very good for eye health. So too are fruits and veggies such as Indian gooseberry (Amla) and carrots. Lean meat and eggs are also known to be good for eye health. So too are nuts. Along with a balanced diet, it is also important to stay hydrated.
Limit your screen time
One of the biggest challenges that modern-day parents face is to limit their kids screen time. The best way to ensure that it happens is to have some home rules. For instance, no TV, smartphone, or computers, 3 hours before sleep, saying no to these gadgets during meal times and avoiding them during holidays, etc. Parents must model this discipline at home. Always follow the 20:20:20 rule. To prevent eye strain, look at least 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, after every 20 minutes of screen time.
Regular eye checkups
Parents need to ensure they take their kids for regular eye checkups. Don’t wait for something to happen. Early detection of eye problems is the key here. It can help to begin early treatment and avoid unnecessary complications later on. This will also ensure that their glasses have the correct prescription, helping them read comfortably and focus effectively, thereby enhancing their learning.
Protective eyewear
Sports-specific protective eyewear helps protect kids against eye injuries. Similarly, UV-protected sunglasses with UV protection are an excellent idea, particularly when spending lots of time under the sun. Consult a good eye specialist and find out about the best protective eyewear options for your kids.
Encourage good hygiene habits
Kids spend a lot of time playing and therefore have increased chances of dirtying their hands. Teach them from a young age to not rub their eyes with dirty hands, for it could lead to infections. Encouraging regular hand washing before touching their eyes is one of the Healthy Habits for Your Eyes.
Proper lighting while reading
Make sure that you provide them with a well-lit environment for studying. See to it that they maintain proper posture and are maintaining adequate distance while reading or writing.
At the school it is always our endeavor to teach children about healthy habits. Our teachers regularly teach students about the importance of regulating their screen time and eye care, to enhance their learning experience (Experiential learning).