Ozone layer depletion ! Our beloved planet Earth is nothing short of a miracle. It is mind-boggling as to how many mechanisms nature has created to safeguard the flora and fauna on planet. For example, did you know that high above the Earth’s surface (about 50 km high) is the stratosphere with its ozone layer, which absorbs harmful UV-B and UV-C rays? These rays are known to cause health issues such as skin cancer, asthma, cataracts and a weak immune system, to mention only a few. The damage doesn’t stop with this. It effects both terrestrial and aquatic animal as well as plant life too.

The chemical structure of ozone

In modern times, due to different types of emissions from vehicles, industries, electrical appliances, chemical solvents, etc., has resulted in damage to this protective layer. The chemical structure of ozone is such that it can be easily broken, when it reacts with certain chemical compounds. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and Nitrogenous compounds are seen as a major cause for the depletion of the ozone layer. A single CFC molecule can destroy thousands of ozone molecules.

Substances that Deplete Ozone Layer

The discovery of a massive hole in the ozone layer in the 1970s over Antarctica set the alarm bells ringing. Subsequently the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete Ozone Layer was adopted to stop the damage being done to the ozone layer. While the adoption of the agreement and the subsequent ban on the production of certain types of chemicals has led to positive results, we need to understand that protection of environment is an ongoing process. We cannot let our guard down and each one of us has to contribute towards the betterment of our beautiful planet.

Here are a few things that we can do.

  1. Plant more trees. This is of course, no rocket science. We all know the role played by
    trees in ensuring a cleaner environment.
  2. Avoid using air conditioners which use CFCs. Find out about the other alternatives
    available, which don’t use ozone depletion substances.
  3. The importance of recycling and reusing cannot be over emphasis. Use online
    resources to research for finding out creative ways in which you can recycle or reuse
  4. Minimize the use of vehicles, as much as possible. Try cycling or using public
    transport, whenever possible. EVs are also a good alternative. And there is always
    the option to walk, perhaps the best mode of transport!
  5. Use the right type of cleaning products. Instead of the using ones containing
    chemicals try using those with natural ingredients.
  6. A lot of greenhouse gas emissions take place when you produce electricity by
    burning coal. Instead use renewable sources of energy like solar or wind.

At the school environmental education is a key part of our students’ learning. Through a variety of activities including, essay competitions, debates, quizzes, debates, classroom sessions, we ensure that our students grow up to be environmentally conscious and responsible citizens. Talk to our admission counsellors today and find out what makes us a top CBSE school in Coimbatore.

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