Story telling is the in thing now. From corporates to school children, everyone seems to be exploring storytelling. It is indeed a good practice of the best school in CBSE board in regard with new story telling methods for the betterment of children. However, storytelling has been there for centuries together in our country. In fact, a grandmother or mother telling bedtime stories has been the culture here. Here are a few tips that will help you be a good storyteller.

Whom are you addressing :

This one is quite simple. You have to identify your target audience based on the story you are going to tell. While it may be a simple step, it is perhaps the most important step too, for they will decide the flow and narration.

Language matters:

It goes without saying that you need good linguistic skills. Try working on your language. Communication is the key for success. One good way to practice would be to offer sessions and seek their feedback.

Prepare well:

Once you have identified the target audience, the next thing obviously is to deliver the story. But before you do that prepare well. That will ensure the flow during the speech. You can probably arrange for a storytelling session with your friends and take their feedback.


For those beginning in this line, these days there are several videos available. These videos will give you an idea about storytelling. Make sure you take down notes. These points will be very useful to you. You can structure your sessions based on these points.


While there may be a few who are born with talent, it is not the case with everyone. For the rest of us, practice holds the key. Practice, practice and practice. That’s the key to become better.

Talk to experts:

These days, thanks to the internet, you can always get in touch with experts in the field and get to know the latest happenings. You will find these tips useful whenever you are delivering your storytelling session.

best school in CBSE board story telling Camford school

Get feedback about your sessions from your friends and teachers. Take criticism positively. It will help you develop your storytelling skills.

Being the best school in CBSE board, we care for our children and we work with an objective that the daily activities should foster incremental, developmental progress in a healthy and safe environment for children. Well trained faculties are there to observe the interests of children and their individual abilities. Hence we frequently adapt to new methodology of teachings and technology to bring good development in children.

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