Strict or lenient parent ? Which is more beneficial ? Wish there was a one-size-fits all kind of approach in parenting. Whether you need to be strict or lenient will differ from one kid to another. Instead of going to either extremes, perhaps the best way is to find a balance between the two approaches. Agreed, it is a bit of a tightrope walking, but with conscious effort, you can always get to the right method for your kids.

At the end of the day, it is all about being positive. For example, if your child gets angry frequently, being strict or lenient is not the way to approach the issue. Take the child away from the scene. Let the child calm down. Offer a few solutions to whatever problem the child is facing. At the same time, firmly tell the kid that such behavior is not acceptable. Teach them positive ways of handling situations.

Put your foot down

There are times when as parent’s children get onto our nerves. For example, these days most of the children seem to be addicted to smartphones (set the digital boundaries). There are times when we as parents need to put our foot down and tell them that enough is enough. Similarly, if they are binging on junk food (know the side effects of junk/fast food), as parents we need to tell them firmly that it is not done. We should be tough enough not to be swayed by emotion or any of their refrains. Tell them about the harmful effects of too much screen time or junk food.

No instant gratification

Don’t give in to their wishes straightaway. For example, if your kid wants a favorite toy, let him or she wait for it. Tell them that you will buy it a few months later. This delayed gratification will build a sense of responsibility and patience in them. Remember, looking at the bigger picture is the key here. These lessons learnt at a young age, will help the child grow into a responsible adult.

Set the rules of the house

One of the best ways to raise resilient kids, who don’t complain or lose their cool often, is to fix a routine. Set rules of the house. For example, there should be ‘no mobile phone’ zones in the house. Similarly, there should be limits set on the number of hours the family watches TV. These steps will help build a sense of discipline and responsibility in children.

Model good behavior

There is no use scolding kids for throwing up temper tantrums, if you were to not follow the same. Children consciously and subconsciously pick up cues from their parent’s behavior. They are always observing the way you communicate with others and the way you handle different situations. Your good behavior will automatically rub off on them.

Raising a child is a long term process. There is no magic wand available, which you can wave and expect a child to fall in line. Whether you are a Strict or lenient parent, remember every kid is unique/ special and therefore it needs a tailored strategy based on individual factors.

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