How to remember something that you learn longer? A good memory plays a key role in every student’s life. Let us take a look at some handy tips to boost your memory.
Teach someone
Teaching others is a great way to remember things. It is an excellent way to reinforce what you have learned. When you have to teach, it will in a way for you to prepare. You will need to chart out a plan first. You will need to analyse the different topics to be covered. You will be prepared with the logical sequences, which you will use to explain various topics. All these steps will ensure that you thoroughly learn whatever you are teaching and remember it for a long time.
Write it down
Research has proven that people tend to remember better when they put pen on paper. Our brains are wired in such a way that writing helps trigger the parts of the nervous system that help us remember better. Writing is said to be one of the best ways to give a push to cognitive abilities. Apart from boosting your memory, writing is known to help improve creativity too.
Healthy habits
Everyone knows that for good memory you need a healthy mind, which in turn depends on a healthy body. So, make sure that you are following healthy habits. For example, having a balanced diet with all the essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Make sure that you stay well hydrated (Few tips to remain hydrated.) Exercise regularly. Plus, don’t forget quality sleep time (How much time does a child need?).
Understand the concept
The key to remembering lies in understanding a topic thoroughly. Once you feel that you can make sense of what you are reading, it will stay in your memory for a long time. This is the fundamental difference between learning by rote and learning something thoroughly. There are certain subjects where application-based learning helps understand concepts better. Subjects such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry are good examples.
Regular reading
A lot of students make the mistake of reading only during their exam times. This is the wrong way to study. Instead, make it a point to study every day. Allocate a particular time of the day, right after you come back from school for studies. Be sure that you use the time to revise whatever you have learned at school that day. This will help you to study in ‘chunks’, instead of cramming everything during exam times. It will help you remember any topic better. Tips to boost your memory, yes ! always it helps.
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