Stay curious and never stop learning !! Come to think of it, we all have the same curiosity when we are young. As we age, though, some of us seem to lose that sense of wonder. It need not be so if you were to put in a little bit of effort. Remember, it is all about a bit of a tweak in your mindset. Let us dive in and explore.
Unleash the kid in you!
Bring out the child lurking inside you. Children as we know are always curious about what is going on around them. Just like a child, ask questions about what you observe. Embrace playfulness, as it will make exploration more fun. And why do kids have an insatiable hunger for learning? It's because they are not afraid to make mistakes. So, bring out the child in you to keep the sense of curiosity alive and thriving.
No scratching the surface please
Whenever you want to learn something new, go all out. Try to completely immerse yourself in whatever you want to learn. Give your 200% percent. Refer to tap into knowledge resources such as the internet, friends, teachers, etc. Make sure that you are not just scratching the surface, but digging deeper. When you dive in wholeheartedly, you are sure to achieve real mastery.
Reading is the key
Reading is perhaps the best way to ensure that you are always curious. Read different kinds of books. Find out what is happening around the world. This will kindle your interest in a variety of topics. Pretty soon, you will have ideas germinating in your mind. You will have questions arising, for which you will be curious to seek answers. You will find different perspectives in books, which will broaden your horizon of thinking.
Be ready to make mistakes
Never be afraid to make mistakes (Learning from mistakes). There is nothing like a perfect journey. There are times when during your pursuit of a certain goal, you are bound to make mistakes. But it should not act as a setback. Instead, you should learn from the mistakes and redouble your efforts towards attaining the goal. Adopt the attitude of a winner, who is willing to take the bull by its horns and come out a winner.
Hitch your wagon to a star
Have a strong belief in your abilities. Aim high and always be positive. Be goal-oriented. Make sure that you are putting your best foot forward in all your pursuits. Tell yourself that you will confidently overcome any challenges thrown at you during your journey towards the goal. This approach will open the doors to success in your life.
Surround yourself with positive people
Everyone knows that positivity breeds more positivity. The vice-versa is also true. So always make sure that you are surrounded by positive people. People with the ‘can-do’ spirit. People who are not afraid of following their dreams (Dr.Kalam’s, Dream Big concept.). They will always encourage and inspire you. They will be there by your side, constantly egging you on and helping you surmount difficulties in the path, as you push forward towards success. So, Stay curious and never stop learning !
At the school, we provide the right atmosphere for nurturing the innate curiosity of students. They are encouraged to question and explore new ideas, the aim being to tap into their inherent talents and reach their full potential. To find out what makes us a top CBSE school in Coimbatore, contact us today!