Tips and tricks of Cricket for you to play the bat and ball game better. The summer holidays are here. These days the summer holidays invariably coincide with the ever popular IPL. One can also find kids, of all ages, enjoying their own version of matches, at grounds across cities in the country. Of course, these days there are scores of coaching centers too that have sprung up. There is no denying the rising popularity of cricket, among both boys and girls. One of the secrets to playing a sport well, particularly during school days is to enjoy the sport first. So make sure that you are having plenty of fun this summer
during matches. By the way we are sharing a few tips on sharpening your core cricketing skills, which we hope you will all find useful.

  1. As a youngster, make sure that you enjoy the game. Forget about making it big as a
    player at this stage. Instead, focus on hitting the ball well. Try and have fun. Enjoy
    the camaraderie, the friendship and light hearted banter with your friends. Through
    professional coaching, you can gradually develop your other skills, such as footwork,
    grip and shot selection.
  2. If you are someone who really wants to make it big as a batsman, the only tip that
    you need to follow is to well…. Bat more. You should be facing hundreds of balls
    daily in the nets. Relentless practice will add to your confidence whenever you
    actually bat during the matches.
  3. As a batsman you are also required to practice concentration. Your mind should be
    focused on the ball. You should develop the ability to drive all thoughts away from
    the mind and focus only on the ball.
  4. If you want to make it as a bowler, whether as a spinner or as a fast bowler, once
    again the key is to focus. You should work along with your coach to work on things
    such as the grip on the ball and the development of your bowling action.
  5. At a young age, the emphasis as mentioned earlier, should be on enjoying what you
    are doing. If you put in the right kind of efforts, the results are bound to follow.
  6. Bowling is a difficult skill, in the sense that it requires a lot of fitness. There are
    always chances of injuries to different muscle groups. So make sure that you get the
    help of professional coaches and gain knowledge about all these aspects.
    Wicket keeping
  7. Wicket keeping is perhaps the most thankless job in cricket. A wicketkeeper needs to
    be extremely fit. So, once again the emphasis here is to maintain excellent fitness
  8. These days it has also become important for wicketkeepers to bat well. So, you will
    need to make sure that you are working simultaneously on improving both the skills.
  9. Concentration is once again of paramount importance when it comes to wicket
    keeping. This is because you will need to expect that the ball will come to you,
    before every ball is delivered.

Irrespective of whether you want to make it big as a batsman or bowler, a wicketkeeper or an all-rounder, what is most important is to pay attention to your physical fitness. You should be willing to put in the hard yards, preparing your body for the hard grind of the matches. You should be ready to lead a disciplined lifestyle and be regular with your workouts, as prescribed your coaches. Similarly, you should also pay attention to your diet, ensuring that you get all the essential nutrients which helps to improve memory power as well as physical power. Additionally make sure that you are drinking plenty of fluids while playing and keeping yourself hydrated.

The Camford School is always aiming to provide the best environment for the all-round skills of a child develop and prosper. Know the tips and tricks from the Camford Cricket Academy to excel in this sport. This student centric focus has been behind the school’s rise in popularity as the preferred CBSE school in Coimbatore.

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