Great Career for your Child !! Long term vision always helps when it comes to deciding on your children’s future professional aspirations. The focus should be on a ‘career’, rather than just a ‘job’. Having regular interactions with your children helps. Take keen interest in their academic as well as their extra-curricular pursuits. Find out their interests. Never dismiss any interest as being silly.  Remember, career avenues are increasing by the day and everyone is getting an opportunity shine in the profession of their choice.

Parents should play the initial ‘hand holding’ part

There are times when parents may do the mistake of trying to live their career dreams through their children. No, it is not right. Let the child have their own dream of career as Dr.Kalam said “Dream Big.” Remember, each person is created different and your children may have different career interests. The career choice is therefore best left to them, of course with guidance on your part. Parents should try and play the initial ‘hand holding’ part, as their children explore options. These days specialized aptitude tests are also available, using which you can find out about the best career options for your child.

Peer pressure sometimes forces to choose a career

Peer pressure is another thing that sometimes forces someone to choose a career that is not their first choice. Just because your child’s friends or classmates have chosen a field, does not mean that your child too needs to do the same. Once again we need to remember that not everybody is created equal. As parents we need to understand that it is perfectly right to have different choices.

Good at many subjects, but could be passionate about one

There are also instances when people are forced to make career choices based on their grades in particular subjects. While grades or marks are important, they should not be the only criteria for choosing a career. Remember, a person may be good at many subjects, but could be passionate about one. Try and find out the field or subject that your child has got the most interest in and help him or her make a flourishing career out of it.

At The School, we are always focused on providing children with the best possible atmosphere so that they explore and to develop their talents. Our teachers are always providing feedback to parents about the areas of interests of their kids. Needless to say, this kind of focused approach has placed us among the favourite CBSE schools in Coimbatore.

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