Foods for a sharp brain ! The brain grows at the fastest during the school years. What they put into their mouths plays a key role for growth of the grey matter. There are certain foods that can boost their brain growth (Super memory foods for kids). Let’s take a look.

Fruits are a must.

Have seasonal fruits regularly. Kids will get most of the essential vitamins and other important nutrients through fruits. They are also great because of their high fiber content that helps to remove toxins from the body.

Leafy green vegetables.

This is a no brainer. Do you want your kid to eat every kind of vitamin and mineral? Simple. Let them have vegetables. Leafy green vegetables are powerhouses of nutrients, especially iron, ingredients that positively impact the cognitive abilities of kids.

Whole grains.

Millets, Ragi, Bajra, or Sorghum – use the internet and try out an amazing variety of recipes. From antioxidants to vitamins, minerals and their ability to stabilize blood sugar, it’s not surprising whole grains are fast emerging a favorite these days.

Nuts and seeds

Foods for a sharp brain ! Nuts and seeds make for healthy snacks. A handful of nuts in the breakfast or during their lunch time, acts as a protein boost. Nuts are good sources of zinc, a mineral that plays a key role in children’s cognitive abilities.

Amla or Indian gooseberry.

There is nothing to beat these shiny berries when it comes to antioxidants. Its rich Vitamin ‘C’ has got excellent wound healing properties. The fruit is also known to effectively fight off inflammation. The variety of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals present in the fruit also help in the healthy development of kids brains. Know the parents role in it.


They pack a punch with their numerous nutrients. Seafood is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. The good thing about fish is the variety of recipes that you can try. The internet is full of wonderful videos on some of the favorite recipes. Why don’t you try one today?

Lean meat.

A healthy source of protein which is required in significant amounts in children who are growing up. Good sources include broiler chicken and eggs. Know the nutrition in chicken and eggs.

Don’t forget hydration.

In our quest for the ‘perfect diet’ parents often tend to forget about keeping their kids hydrated. Water of course, should be the drink of choice. However, if they find the taste of water bland, they can try fruit juices, smoothies, shakes, etc. to keep themselves hydrated. If you are a Coimbatorian then take a chance to taste the Tastiest water in the world ! The sweet elixir of Coimbatore – Siruvani water . Always keep a water bottle with you. How to take this precious substance for granted?

The School‘s timetable is framed in such a manner that there is equal importance for classroom sessions and co- curricular activities. Foods for a sharp brain ! School provides healthy, breakfast, lunch, fruit juices, snack to those prefer school meal scheme. Parents looking for this unbeatable combo need not look further than The Camford School, considered the best CBSE school in Coimbatore.

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