Make School a Positive Experience for your Child ! We all know that schools perhaps play the most important role in the development of a person’s overall personality. A major part of a child’s time, starting from kindergarten onwards till he or she goes to college is spent in a school. As parents our duty does not stop with just sending them to a good educational institution. Parents play a crucial role in ensuring that learning is a positive experience for their children. Here are a few tips to make school an enjoyable experience for your child.

Fix a routine

There is perhaps nothing better than leading by example. Come to think of it, you are your child’s best role model. Therefore fix a routine, which the entire family follows. Inculcate good habits, right at a young child. Habits such as getting up early, getting ready, breakfast, doing their homework, dinner,  playing, going to bed early, etc. , should be taught at a young age. This kind of discipline will also help them learn about time management.

Check out their homework

Discuss with your child about what they have learnt in school on a daily basis. Fix a particular time for completing the homework. Let them note all their doubts and get it clarified by their teachers. Teach them the importance of studying daily and not piling up things for study only during exam times.

Emphasis on learning

One of the best ways to make studies and school enjoyable for a child is to encourage them to learn the subjects well, rather than laying the emphasis on just performance in the exams. Remember, when learning becomes fun, performance in exams is also automatically going to follow suit.

Play time is also important

Come to think of it, children are born to play. Encourage them to play different sports and games. This gives them an opportunity to strike up friendships, develop strategizing skills and team skills. Most importantly, it helps them develop good health. Parents can also join them in their play, from time to time. Not only will it be fun, but it will also help you get some much needed workout too!

Nutritious foodA balanced diet

Make sure that take good care of your child’s diet, for it plays a key role in helping them focus and concentrate at school. A balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients is very important during a child’s growing years. Inculcating good dietary habits, again starts at a young age.

Quality Sleep time

This is something that is important but is often neglected. Make sure that your child gets quality sleeping time. Remember, sleep is very important in a child’s growing years. Fix a regular bed and wake up time.

As one of the most sought after CBSE schools in Coimbatore, we have always focused on providing the best possible environment for a child to learn. It is also the responsibility of parents to make the child to realise the importance of schooling which make School a Positive Experience to them. Teachers are in regular touch with the parents, interacting with them, keeping them updated on their child’s academic progress.

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